Mac Defender Spreading Via Facebook

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Watch your Facebook accounts, Mac  malware is now spreading virally behind the disguise of an IMF boss Dominique Strauss-Kahn video. It first appears in your timeline as a message that was posted by one of your friends.

This story isn’t getting old, nor is the threat that Mac users face. This one is easy to avert, ignore stories with that headline, and ignore links that you do not recognize. However, again, the only real way to protect yourself, apart from being paranoid, is to get an antivirus. There are many Mac antiviruses available, unlike the fake Mac Defender and Mac Guard.

Note that this time, Windows users are also threatened as it does have a Windows counterpart and will display the same site for Windows users that click on the link, but will instead show a page of a Windows computer being scanned and threatened.

Linux users thus far are not affected by the threat.

Apple users may get a sigh of relief, Apple released an update that will scan for and remove Mac Defender. Take note that it won’t defend against  other future threats and doesn’t stop you from opening the Mac malware installer by mistake.

For more information on Mac Defender, read our initial article: Macs Struck with Malware


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