Google bringing Google+ Comments to Blogger

Saturday, April 20, 2013

We've all heard or read comments in our lifetimes and whether they've been verbal or digital, they're still a part of our lives. Blogger's rendition of the comment system is, to be generous, under par. Google's solution is one that many a geek, and Gmail owners alike, will appreciate.

Google's social network, Google+, has comments, right? Well now they're bringing those comments to Blogger.

Starting today[,April 18th], you can bring Google+ Comments to your Blogger blog.
To do so, you can head over to the Google+ section in your Blogger sites' account page and check off the "Use Google+ Comments on this blog" checkbox:

What'll Happen?

Once enabled, you will begin to see comments from all over Google+, including those made on your blog, appear in one place. This place will be the article. Pulling comments that are made via Google+ will help you see how much people are actually talking about your content. Ready? Let's go!

How does it work?

Well, it's pretty simple. You won't be seeing anything you're not supposed to see. Users have the option to comment publicly, within their own circles, or even just to specific people. This allows for a more personal experience when commenting on various blogs.

While browsing comments, users have the option to see all the comments, sorted by time, just the top ones, or just those from people in their circles. In all cases, you'll still only be able to see the comments you're allowed to see. This allows for more meaningful sharing.

We're on board and you should be too! You'll soon begin to see the switch from Disqus, over to Google+ comments. Most users who have a YouTube or Gmail account should have their Google+ account activated by now and we believe that this'll help you guys connect with us. Sound off in the comments below with your opinion on the article, the decision to bring Google+ comments to blogger and what you think will become of this system.

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